

Cold Concept
  -    -  Cold Concept

Cold Concept

We have things to protect. The beauty and naturalness around us includes: people, animals, nature, climate, and many other things. However, in order to do all these things, one must first start with itself.It should break the molds, overcome the accepted ones, etc. He should walk on what he says is indestructible. He must continue to fight for what he calls invincible…Never give up. It should never be accepted… Keep pushing… Surely he will one day!

Never give up!

We have things to protect. The beauty and naturalness around us includes: people, animals, nature, climate, and many other things. However, in order to do all these things, one must first start with itself.

It should break the molds, overcome the accepted ones, etc. It should walk on what it says is indestructible. It must continue to fight for what it calls invincible…

Never give up! It should never be accepted… Keep pushing… Surely he will one day!

Protecting The Future

We must take our precautions before we lose the natural beauties we have completely.

We do not have the right to waste our resources—no matter how plentiful.

Everything may run out one day.

We might be destroying every beautiful thing we see around us with our own hands.

We must stop destroying beauty before it becomes irreparable one day!

Because we don’t have the chance to protect our future by freezing it.

We Can’t Stop Time!

“Time” is one of those things that cannot be regained when lost. Since it will not be possible to stop it, it is necessary to plan correctly while it is still in our hands and to live in a way that we do not want to go back.

Never Stop!

If you want to go up, keep fighting!

Either you will melt the ice in its own heat, or it will not be able to withstand your blows and it will crack!

But if you stop…

This will be your end!

When you stop, your war so far will also be in vain!

Never Stop!


It will not be the hardness of the kick that will break the ice, but the continuity of its blows. The time between two hits shouldn’t be enough for the enemy to regroup!


Escape from it? Escape towards it?

Cold Cube

In the face of drought, we cannot survive like this. We have to find other solutions.


Don’t let uninspiring people affect you negatively either! Shine! Your light is enough for both you and them!